communication + education
for the future

Communication is the heart of nearly every problem and therefore the key to nearly every solution.
talk-ware is a personally guided method using one-to-one meetings or group workshops.
Sharing new ideas for collaboration and future development is more efficient with clear communications.
Innovation in business can be less risky if there is clarity on what actually is totally new and what elements of the current business are being utilised.
Who knows what will be the future of work but we can usually use our current skills in many new situations.
talk-ware develops the portability of skills -often overlooked by education institutions and HR departments.
talk-ware has been developed over 10 years and has helped individuals create Ted talks, startups win investment, schools gain a useful addition to their curricula, students to share ideas and turn them into businesses and bigger established businesses safely experiment with innovative ideas.
Go to talk-ware.com opens in new window

Lurnia app is being developed to teach kids of all ages the fundamental business skills necessary for all aspects of life.
Lurnia.org is bringing together an interesting collection of programs to aid educators, globally.
Financial Education is usually concentrated around explaining products.
We take a different approach.
W4 teaches the simple method to get to the heart of every financial transaction.